April 2023 EverythingCRNA Update

Not your typical CRNA.

Dear friends,

It’s been a while since I last updated everythingCRNA as I’ve been tied up with being a full-time CRNA, staying healthy working out, traveling and exploring some new hobbies (as you can see above).

If this is your first time here – welcome!  If you’re applying for CRNA School, you’re ahead of at least 50% of the other applicants just by finding this website. My goal is to arm you with the inside information and gameplan for you to get into your dream CRNA school and jump start your career as a nurse anesthetist.  🤓

Throughout the months, I’ve received numerous requests asking for an updated list of the best CRNA schools and adding some new schools to the list.  To that matter, I’m currently working on a new survey so we can launch a Best CRNA Schools for 2024.  Stay tuned for that.

If there’s any other topics you’d like me to cover on everythingCRNA, let me know.  Some of you guys asked for advice on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle as a CRNA with the hours while others of you wanted to know how I’m saving and investing my income as a CRNA.  How about an article on how to manage taxes as a CRNA 😬😬😬?  How to transition your career into a CRNA?  Just let me know.

Till next time.  Stay safe and healthy out there.  



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