CRNA Schools in Oregon

Oregon, known as the Beaver State, is ranked #30 in total number of CRNA Schools in the United States.  It shares the #30 CRNA School ranking with Washington, Iowa, Maine, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, and a few other States.  With a smooth mountain range and lush forests, Oregon is well known for its diverse, eye catching landscapes. The capital of Portland is also known as one of the most environmentally friendly cities in the country.  CRNA students rave how Portland has the highest rate of biking to work in the US and also one of the most comprehensive transportation systems.  This transportation system includes commuter rail, light rail, buses and streetcar lines and makes it easy to get around.

Located in the North West United State, Oregon is not part of the RN Compact States agreement and APRN Compact for nurse anesthetists.

Nurse Anesthetist Programs in Oregon

There is only one CRNA Programs in Oregon located in the city of Portland as shown below:

  1. OHSU CRNA, Portland (Doctor of Nursing Practice)

OHSU is also formally known as Oregon Health and Science University.  The school has a very reputable Nursing program.  All the CRNA schools in Oregon are DNP Doctorate degrees.  There are no MSN master’s degrees offered any longer in Oregon.

CRNA Schools in Oregon

As of Year End 2020, there are 122 CRNA schools in the United States and 2.4 CRNA schools in each State on average.  To compare, there are 13 CRNA schools in Pennsylvania and 9 CRNA schools in Florida.  In addition, North Carolina and Tennessee both have 6 CRNA schools.  On the other hand, there are no CRNA programs at all in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, New Mexico, Vermont, New Hampshire, Alaska, and Hawaii.  Oftentimes, the States with more CRNA schools tend to have more CRNA jobs as well.  This rule of thumb also applies to Oregon.  With only one CRNA school, Oregon is ranked #31 in number of CRNA jobs in the US.

CRNA Programs in Oregon Acceptance Rate

The average acceptance rate for CRNA programs in Oregon is 7%.  This is extremely lower than the national CRNA average acceptance rate of 26%.  In general, the easiest CRNA schools to get into by State are generally in the States with more CRNA schools.  For example, the average acceptance rate for CRNA schools in Florida is 30% with 9 CRNA Schools.  This compares with an acceptance rate of 13% for CRNA schools in Georgia and 24% in South Carolina, which only have 2 CRNA schools.  In the case of Oregon, this generalization does not fully apply and it’s difficult to generalize with only one nurse anesthetist program in OR.  In fact, the OHSU CRNA is one of the top 5 most difficult CRNA Programs to get into in the US by acceptance rate.

Best CRNA Schools in Oregon

Please see the list below for the best CRNA schools in Oregon.

Best CRNA School RankingAll CRNA SchoolsCityDegree Offered
26OHSU NursingPortlandDNP

Be sure to check out our exclusive best nurse anesthetist schools list.  Through interviewing over 125 real CRNAs, we ranked all CRNA schools to come up with the best CRNA schools in America.

Other Oregon CRNA Information

Whether you’re looking to apply to CRNA programs in Oregon or already a CRNA, check out CRNA Salary in Oregon and Oregon Board of Nursing to learn more about nurse anesthesia in the State.

Map of CRNA Schools by State

With only one CRNA schools in Oregon, you may be interested in applying to CRNA programs nearby in other States.  These may include:


The darker the blue color equivocates to more CRNA Schools in the State.
Tier 1 = 6 or more CRNA Schools
2nd Tier  = 3 to 5 CRNA Schools
Tier 3 = 1 or 2 CRNA Schools
White means no CRNA schools in the State.
Data source: everythingCRNA

CRNA Salary in Oregon

Since you’re reading about CRNA Schools in Oregon, we thought you might be interested in learning about the CRNA Salary in Oregon if you’re going to work in the State.  Be sure to also check out our CRNA Salary Guide and CRNA Starting Salary if you’re still a student or if you’re wondering how much a fresh CRNA can make right out of nurse anesthesia school.  Different States have different demand and supply economics of nurse anesthetists, so my advice is to be sure to read up on different states to see which ones fit you best.

Nurse Anesthetist Programs in OR Conclusion

To sum up, it is extremely difficult to get accepted into CRNA schools in Oregon because there is only one program and the acceptance rate is only 7%.  Most students interested in attending CRNA school in the West Coast end up applying to CRNA Schools in California, where there are 5 programs.

Pursuing a CRNA program in Oregon will also make sense if you plan on staying within the State after graduation.  This is because it is common that a SRNA nurse can find nurse anesthetist jobs within the same State easier than students from out of State upon finishing school.

Did you graduate from one of the CRNA Schools in Oregon?  Please let us know what you thought of the programs and experience working with the graduates. Click on the image gallery below for more information on nurse anesthetist schools in OR.


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Author Bio: Nelson started everythingCRNA to help aspiring, student and practicing CRNAs & CAAs. Nelson is currently a CRNA in New York City.  Previously, he worked as an ICU Travel RN and Critical Care RN in Philadelphia, Miami, Washington DC, and Boston.  He earned his BSN from Penn State and his MSN from Bloomsburg.  He is also a member of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA). In his free time, he enjoys working out, exploring the outdoors, and helping future CRNAs.

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