CRNA Schools That Do Not Require GRE

CRNA Schools That Do Not Require GREWhat is the GRE for CRNA Schools?

The GRE is a standardized test administered by the Education Testing Services (our favorite test maker who makes the SAT and TOEFL) for graduate school programs in North America.  It stands for Graduate Record Examinations.  The test takes nearly four hours and there’s an analytical writing section, a verbal reasoning section and a quantitative reasoning section.  The good news is the GRE is not a big deciding factor anymore in whether or not you get accepted into the CRNA school of your choice.  In fact, more and more schools are dropping the GRE test as a prerequisite.  Rather the purpose of the GRE is to filter out students who would likely have a lot of difficulty in graduate school.  The great news is today, there are over 50% of CRNA schools that do not require GRE or that allow you to waive the GRE requirement if certain conditions are met. Usually the core requirement is a GPA above a certain average.  However, if your GPA is less than a 3.0, we would still recommend you take the GRE to stand out as a good CRNA candidate.

Why You Shouldn’t Take the GRE

There are many reasons people don’t want to take the GRE.  First, it’s an expensive test to take at US$205.  Second, some people are just poor test takers.  Getting a high GRE score will not make you a better CRNA.  Lastly, there are CRNA schools without GRE requirements.  If you are applying to CRNA schools that do not require the GRE, then there’s no reason to take the test!  Taking the GRE requires a lot of preparation time, investment in study materials & courses and added stress & pressure.  Therefore, if your targeting CRNA school that do not require GRE, then there’s no need to bother with it at all.  Your time would be better spent preparing your CRNA interview questions.

CRNA Schools That Do Not Require GRE with GPA requirements

There are 16 CRNA Schools that do not require GRE if you fulfill GPA minimum requirements.

  1. Drexel CRNA waives the GRE if you have a BSN GPA 3.25 or higher
  2. Northshore CRNA waives the GRE if you have an undergraduate GPA 3.4 or higher
  3. Georgetown CRNA requires GRE within the last five years if GPA is lower than 3.5
  4. La Salle CRNA program waives the GRE if you have a GPA 3.2 or higher
  5. Marquette CRNA waives the GRE if you have a GPA 3.2 or higher
  6. MUSC CRNA Program waives the GRE if you have a GPA 3.6 or higher
  7. Oakland University CRNA Program waives the GRE if you have a GPA 3.5 or higher
  8. Old Dominion University CRNA waives the GRE if you have a GPA 3.5 or higher
  9. Otterbein CRNA waives the GRE if you have a GPA 3.5 or higher
  10. Saint Joseph Hospital Requires either GRE or MAT
  11. St Elizabeth Health Center waives the GRE if you have a GPA 3.5 or higher
  12. University of Scranton CRNA waives the GRE if you have a GPA 3.0 or higher
  13. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh CRNA waives the GRE if you have a GPA 3.0 or higher
  14. UPenn CRNA waives the GRE if you have a GPA 3.2 or higher
  15. UT CRNA Program waives the GRE if you have a GPA 3.3 or higher
  16. Villanova CRNA program waives the GRE if you have a GPA 3.4 or higher

CRNA Schools That Do Not Require GRE

There are 47 CRNA Schools that do not require GRE at all.

  1. University of Arizona CRNA
  2. Bloomsburg CRNA
  3. Case Western CRNA
  4. Cedar Crest CRNA
  5. Clarkson College CRNA
  6. Cleveland Clinic CRNA program
  7. Columbia University CRNA
  8. Detroit Mercy CRNA
  9. Fairfield CRNA
  10. FranU CRNA
  11. Goldfarb CRNA
  12. Gonzaga CRNA
  13. University of Iowa CRNA
  14. Jefferson CRNA Program
  15. Kaiser CRNA
  16. KU CRNA Program
  17. Loma Linda CRNA
  18. Lourdes University CRNA
  19. Marian University CRNA
  20. University of Maryland CRNA
  21. Mayo Clinic Health System
  22. Michigan State University CRNA
  23. Midwestern University CRNA
  24. Millikin CRNA
  25. Minneapolis School of Anesthesia
  26. University of Minnesota CRNA
  27. Mount Marty CRNA
  28. Murray State CRNA
  29. National University CRNA
  30. NKU CRNA
  31. OHSU Nursing
  32. Quinnipiac CRNA Program
  33. Rosalind Franklin CRNA
  34. Rutgers CRNA
  35. Saint Marys CRNA
  37. UAMS CRNA Program
  38. UM CRNA Program
  39. UND CRNA Program
  40. UNE CRNA Program
  41. Union University CRNA
  42. University of Akron CRNA
  43. University of Tulsa Nursing
  44. Virtua Our Lady of Lourdes
  45. Wayne State CRNA
  46. Webster University Nurse Anesthesia Program
  47. Yale CRNA

All CRNA Schools That Do Not Require GRE

In this section, we list out all CRNA Schools that do not require GRE in the United States.  All the CRNA programs have been approved by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs.  Please click on the CRNA School name for more detailed information on the selected CRNA program.

All CRNA Schools That Do Not Require GREGRE
AdventHealth CRNARequired
Albany Medical College CRNA ProgramRequired
Antillean Adventist UniversityRequired
Army CRNARequired
ASU CRNARequired
Augusta CRNA ProgramRequired
Barry University Nurse Anesthesia ProgramRequired
Baylor College of Medicine CRNARequired
Bloomsburg CRNANot Required
Boston College CRNARequired
Bryan College CRNARequired
Buffalo CRNA ProgramRequired
Case Western CRNANot Required
Cedar Crest CRNANot Required
Charleston Area Medical CenterRequired
Clarkson College CRNANot Required
Cleveland Clinic CRNA programNot Required
Columbia University CRNANot Required
Detroit Mercy CRNANot Required
Drexel CRNADepends
Duke CRNA ProgramDepends
ECU CRNARequired
Emory CRNARequired
Excela Health School of AnesthesiaPreferred
Fairfield CRNANot Required
FIU CRNA ProgramRequired
Florida Gulf Coast University CRNARequired
FranU CRNANot Required
FSU CRNARequired
Georgetown CRNADepends
Goldfarb CRNANot Required
Gonzaga CRNANot Required
Integrated Anesthesia AssociatesRequired
Inter American UniversityRequired
Jefferson CRNA ProgramNot Required
Johns Hopkins CRNANot Required
Kaiser CRNANot Required
Keiser University CRNARequired
KU CRNA ProgramNot Required
La Roche CRNARequired
La Salle CRNA programDepends
Lincoln Memorial University CRNA ProgramRequired
Loma Linda CRNANot Required
Lourdes University CRNANot Required
LSU CRNA ProgramRequired
Marian University CRNANot Required
Marquette CRNADepends
Mayo Clinic CRNARequired
Mayo Clinic Health SystemNot Required
Michigan State University CRNANot Required
Middle Tennessee School of AnesthesiaRequired
Midwestern University CRNANot Required
Military CRNARequired
Millikin CRNANot Required
Minneapolis School of AnesthesiaNot Required
Missouri State University CRNARequired
Mount Marty CRNANot Required
Murray State CRNANot Required
MUSC CRNA ProgramDepends
National University CRNANot Required
Newman CRNARequired
NKU CRNANot Required
Northeastern CRNARequired
Northshore CRNARequired
Oakland University CRNA ProgramDepends
OHSU NursingNot Required
Old Dominion University CRNADepends
Otterbein CRNADepends
Quinnipiac CRNA ProgramNot Required
Raleigh School of Nurse AnesthesiaRequired
Rosalind Franklin CRNANot Required
Rush University CRNARequired
Rutgers CRNANot Required
Saint Francis CRNADepends
Saint Joseph HospitalDepends
Saint Marys CRNANot Required
Samford CRNARequired
Samuel Merritt CRNARequired
SIUE CRNANot Required
St Elizabeth Health CenterDepends
TCU CRNARequired
Texas Wesleyan University CRNARequired
Truman CRNA ProgramRequired
U of M CRNA ProgramRequired
UAB CRNARequired
UAMS CRNA ProgramNot Required
UM CRNA ProgramNot Required
UNC CRNA ProgramRequired
UND CRNA ProgramNot Required
UNE CRNA ProgramNot Required
UNF CRNARequired
Union University CRNANot Required
University of Akron CRNANot Required
University of Arizona CRNANot Required
University of Cincinnati CRNARequired
University of Iowa CRNANot Required
University of Maryland CRNANot Required
University of Minnesota CRNANot Required
University of Pittsburgh CRNARequired
University of Puerto RicoRequired
University of Scranton CRNADepends
University of South Carolina CRNARequired
University of Tennessee Health Science CenterRequired
University of Tulsa NursingNot Required
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh CRNADepends
UPenn CRNADepends
UPMC HamotRequired
USC CRNA SchoolRequired
USF CRNA ProgramRequired
USM CRNA ProgramRequired
UT Houston CRNARequired
UTK CRNA ProgramRequired
VCU CRNA ProgramRequired
Villanova CRNA programDepends
Virtua Our Lady of LourdesNot Required
Wake Forest CRNARequired
Wayne State CRNANot Required
Webster University Nurse Anesthesia ProgramNot Required
Western Carolina University CRNARequired
Westminster CRNARequired
WVU CRNA programRequired
Yale CRNANot Required
York College CRNARequired

Top CRNA Schools

We spent hundreds of hours studying all CRNA schools and interviewing over 125 nurse anesthetists to create our exclusive list of Best CRNA Schools.  So now you know CRNA Schools that do not require GRE, your next research is to compare the Best CRNA programs with CRNA Schools without GRE in order to see which CRNA schools are the best fit and which programs you should apply to.

Nurse Anesthetist Salary

As you’re interested in CRNA schools that do not require GRE, be sure to check out our CRNA Salary Guide and CRNA Starting Salary.  If you are still a student or if you’re wondering how much a fresh CRNA can make right out of nurse anesthesia school, this information will be especially helpful.  You might be surprised too!  This will help you decide whether it is worth it to take the GRE or not. We spent hundreds of hours researching salary information from the BLS, the AANA CRNA survey from over 5,000 actual nurse anesthetists as well as from my own CRNA job offers after I graduated.  In addition, different states have different demand and supply economics for nurse anesthetists, so our CRNA Salary by State Guide will help you see which States are the best fit for you.

Map of CRNA Schools by State

To further add to CRNA programs that do not require GRE, we also list out all CRNA programs by State in the map below for your further study.

Notes: The darker the blue color equivocates to more CRNA Schools in the State. Tier 1 = 6 or more CRNA Schools 2nd Tier = 3 to 5 CRNA Schools Tier 3 = 1 or 2 CRNA Schools White means no CRNA schools in the State. Data source: everythingCRNA

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