Maine ranks #28 for CRNA Jobs in the United States

Other State CRNA Job Rankings #1 - Texas #2 - North Carolina #3 - Tennessee

We look at two Data Sources of CRNA Salary in Maine

1. BLS Official Bureau of Labor Statistics from the Federal government. 2. AANA The American Association of Nurse Anesthetists is the largest association of CRNAs in the US.   +5,000 nurse anesthetists respond to their annual survey to give real salary data.


The average CRNA Salary in Maine is US$188,840. Maine Salary State Rank: #20

The Average CRNA Salary in the US is US$181,040

According to the AANA, 'Total Income’ includes the base CRNA salary in addition to other components like call pay, overtime and bonuses.

The Total Income in Maine is US$207,387. The Average CRNA Salary in  Maine is US$189,179.

CRNA Salary in Maine

CRNA Salary in Maine Cities

The average CRNA Salary in Augusta, Maine is US$176,633. The average CRNA Salary in Portland, Maine is US$186,590.

1. Montana  US$239,380 2. Wisconsin  US$234,750 3. Oregon  US$233,600

1. Puerto Rico  US$54,690 2. Arizona  US$144,530 3. Utah  US$146,470

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