What is a RN

In answering what is an RN, simply put, an RN is a licensed healthcare professional who has graduated from an accredited nursing program. This program of completion can include a diploma degree, associates, or a bachelor’s program. After graduation, the individual can sit for the NCLEX-RN exam and become licensed as an RN. It is important to note that CNA’s (certified nursing assistant) and LPN’s (licensed practical nurses) are different types of nurses with different scopes of practice and sit for an entirely different exam.

What is a RN? It’s about Different Specialties

What is an RN?  It is not one job, but there are over 100 RN specialties.  RNs have the option to keep things interesting and expand their career. Depending on what you find interesting, you could end up in a wide variety of environments. Some specialties include: OR, ICU, medical-surgical unit, camp nurse, nurse manager, education, ER, flight nurse, hospice, informatics, dialysis, long-term care, pediatrics, NICU, psychiatric, wounds. To sum up, the possibilities are endless.

Being a Registered Nurse is about Hands on Interaction

In addition, another reason why I chose nursing is because I am a people person.  Being an RN puts you at the forefront of the action. As the primary nurse, you have the first and most contact with the patient. That’s a big responsibility and something to take pride in.

Why I chose Nursing? Stable Job Security

One of the reasons why I chose nursing is because of the positive financial benefits.  Being licensed as an RN grants very stable job security and decent pay. Despite being one of the fastest growing occupations, there is still an increasing demand for nurses. According to projections by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, by 2022 there will be more than one million job openings for RNs. With an average annual salary of $71,000 ($34.14/hour) becoming an RN is looking to be a great career choice.

Flexible Schedules (kind of)

The second reason why I chose nursing is because I appreciate flexibility.  Most RNs work 12-hour shifts, 3 days a week. This leaves 4 days of freedom. Block the days you work together and you can be off 5-8 days in a row! What’s the catch? We work weekends, holidays, and the occasional night shifts.

Career Foundation

Finally, think of being an RN as the foundation of your career.  If this were a video game, your character would be upgraded to a Level 10 as a registered nurse.  Now, you are able to enter the new level with hidden passages, new ammo and power-ups.  Being in Level 10, you might also be able to find bonus stages or bonus rounds where you can collect extra points and coins.  None of these opportunities would be available to you without being a RN.

In short, RN is the starting point.  Subsequently, there are a lot of fields and specialties you can expand into.  TNAA, Neonatal Nurse and CRNA are only but a few examples of additional career moves and specialties you can explore after you are an RN.  But in order to get to Level 11 or Level 100, you’ll need to get to Level 10 first by being an RN.

What is RN Conclusion

Outside of the steady job and pay, nursing is important because it exposes you to a side of human nature that most people don’t get to see. In being a registered nurse, a stranger is essentially trusting that you know what you are doing and are looking out for their best interests. Certainly, it is a job that requires honesty and promotes compassion and kindness. You never know what kind of day you are walking into and it is something I cherish about the profession.

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