SRNA Nurse

SRNA NurseWhat is a SRNA Nurse?

When googling SRNA and SRNA Nurse, many different definitions show up.  These include:

  • Darijo Srna – He is a famous retired soccer player from Croatia
  • Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association – This is the official nurse regulatory body in Saskatchewan, which is a small province in western Canada
  • Kentucky SRNA – In the State of Kentucky, the Kentucky Board of Nursing classifies all nurse aides as State Registered Nurse Aides, or SRNA for short. This includes anyone who provides nursing care to a resident in Kentucky.  With that in mind, a SRNA in Kentucky is not a licensed healthcare professional. This started since 1990 and has actually caused minor confusion in the CRNA specialty profession.
  • Surna Inc (Ticker: SRNA) Surna Inc is a penny stock on the OTC that focuses on mechanical, electrical and plumbing design for cannabis farms. It uses SRNA as it’s main ticker for stock trading.

What is a SRNA?

SRNA Main DefinitionHowever, even with all these different definitions of SRNA, the main definition of SRNA in the medical nursing industry is Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist.  To clarify, the abbreviation is SRNA for short.  This proper SRNA definition refers to any Registered Nurse who is currently enrolled in a nurse anesthesia program at a CRNA school in the United States.  In the CRNA School, the SRNA nurse enroll in a Masters or Doctorate program and graduate with a degree in usually 24 to 36 months to become an official CRNA.  Please read more about the journey of SRNA students from start to finish in CRNA schools.

SRNA Background

Different SRNA Nurse Names Depending on the SchoolIt is important to note that different schools may call SRNA’s differently.  I have heard of some CRNA schools refer to SRNAs as NAR (Nurse Anesthesia Resident) or Nurse Anesthesia Graduate Student.  Other schools refer to SRNAs as RRNA (Resident Registered Nurse Anesthetist), CRNA Students or simply a SRNA nurse.  Furthermore, to add to this confusion, several CRNA schools refer to students in the didactic phase as SRNAs and students in the clinical phase as RRNAs. In general, CRNA students prefer the term ‘Resident’ as they feel some patients feel uncomfortable being diagnosed by a student.   However, at the end of the day, it is quite subjective. There is no right, or wrong answer and it simply depends on the school.

Best Nurse Anesthetist Schools

best crna schoolsWe spent hundreds of hours studying all CRNA schools and interviewing over 125 nurse anesthetists to create our exclusive list of Best CRNA Schools.  So now you know what is a SRNA, your next research is to compare the Best CRNA programs to see which CRNA schools are the best fit and which programs you should apply to.


As I was once a SRNA nurse before becoming a CRNA, I’ve learned a great deal from experience, recovering from CRNA student mistakes, and also speaking with other SRNAs.  I have compiled my learnings in the following resources below for reference.  Please let me know if there is anything else you would like me to write about in detail.

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