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The really sad part about running this website to help potential CRNA students learn more about how to be a nurse anesthetist and how to choose the Best CRNA School is that I get negative criticism and even close to threatening lawsuits. As an example, I’ve included a letter here from the Rush CRNA program in sharing the real truth behind the Rush CRNA program. This is the exact letter sent to me as well as my response. Can you believe it? This is actually from the University itself. I want to make it clear that I don’t charge any money to readers and the ads on the website barely even cover my hosting. This doesn’t even include the thousands of hours I spend researching, writing and reaching out to real CRNAs in my free time.
My mission on is to provide practical, insightful and easy-to-understand advice to help aspiring, student and practicing CRNAs achieve success. I value authenticity and hope someday we can have a community of nurse anesthetists here helping to guide the next generation of CRNAs.
Based on many requests, I’ve decided to open up the comments section on some my articles (Sept 2021). I want to make it clear that all feedback within the articles on each and every CRNA school is ACTUAL real feedback from a REAL CRNA registered on AANA who either went to the school itself or worked with graduates of that school. I have verified each and every single feedback and whether positive or negative, insightful or not, they are real.
Thanks again for your support. I wish you success on your CRNA journey.
Letter from Rush CRNA
[Redacted], PhD, RN, FAAN
John L. and Helen Kellogg
[Position Redacted]
Professor, Women, Children and
Family Nursing
College of Nursing
Dear Mr. Lee,
I am the [position redacted] at Rush University (Nov 2020). It has been brought to my attention by students, faculty and graduates of our Nurse Anesthetists program that your rating website, based on a small sample size, is publicly publishing antidotal remarks, from a single individual, which have not been verified.
First, the historical comments are outdated given changes in the program. Additionally, the third and rather lengthy comment comes close to libel and we ask that you take it down.
We hope that since your stated rationale for setting up this website is to encourage potential nurses to become SRNA and be informed about CRNA program that you consider ethically as a fellow nursing professional the harm this does to the prospective students to make career judgements based on hearsay and a sample of one. We are happy to encourage alumni to send more balanced and reliable feedback for your site in the future, but they have noted that the link to feedback is disabled on the blog/website. Sincerely,
[Redacted], PhD, RN, FAAN
John & Helen Kellogg Dean
College of Nursing
[Position Redacted]
Rush University Medical Center
Cc: [Redacted]
[Position Redacted] General Counsel
EverythingCRNA Response to Rush CRNA
Dear [Redacted at Rush CRNA program],
I appreciate your feedback and letter.
To begin, my mission on is to provide practical, insightful and easy-to-understand advice to help aspiring, student and practicing CRNAs achieve success.
This website is not a profit-generating business – in fact, servers, web designers and technical assistance costs all come out of my pocket. The website has also taken thousands of hours of my time – as you can imagine not easy as a CRNA! To me, is simply my effort to give something back to the CRNA community. There’s still a lot of work and improvement to be done, and I hope over time the website can be better.
EverythingCRNA Response to Rush CRNA (Feedback Welcome}
With that said, I created pages on all the CRNA programs and openly welcomed feedback through a survey I conducted by reaching out to real members from the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA). My role in this survey is not to regulate and edit commentary. Rather, my role is unique in the sense that it is to make sure that all feedback is from real authentic people who are AANA members.
To that extent, I have personally verified each and every CRNA school feedback to make sure all comes from actual registered AANA members. To date, I have not opened the commentary box on the individual CRNA school pages because I do not want spam and fake reviews as that would mislead others and defeat the purpose of my website. I would like to share that I have received many personal emails from students and actual nurse anesthetists who have found the Best CRNA schools to be helpful.
If it’s OK with you, please let me know which part of the feedback on Rush University you consider libel. I will reach out to the person who commented and ask the person if he/she is open to revise or delete those parts. In addition, if you have feedback from yourself personally on the past/current/future of the Rush CRNA program or from other AANA members, please have them reach out to me (
Best CRNA Schools
I’ll be preparing another survey to update the Best CRNA Schools for 2022. Ping me on AANA if you would like to participate in the survey!
- April 2023 EverythingCRNA Update - April 9, 2023
- The Real Truth Behind the Rush CRNA Program - September 8, 2021
- CRNA Post Masters - August 26, 2021
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